| floracil50

Floracil50 Ingredients

By Jayton Miller

Floracil50 Ingredients

Have you ever wondered what's actually in your probiotic? UMZU's Floracil50 probiotic contains 8 strains live bacteria that help to repopulate your gut. Keep reading to learn the about benefits of each strain!

Table Of Contents:

Floracil50 Ingredients:

floracil50 ingredients

Floracil50’s ingredients are some of the best bacteria strains on the market in terms of a daily probiotic. Why? Well, for one thing, we sifted through all the independent research on probiotics and found the eight strains of bacteria most likely to create healthy effects in users.

When we chose the Floracil50 ingredients, we worked hard to find the best probiotic strains for gut health and for treating common stomach and digestive issues. In addition, we also made sure the CFUs were high enough to provide you with a worthwhile supplement full of bacteria that would actually make it to your gut.

In general, the bacteria that are already in your body can sometimes get out of whack, which can lead to minor or mild conditions, like heartburn, or chronic conditions, like IBS, GERD, or others. When you take a daily probiotic supplement, the bacteria inside it can help fight off the bad bacteria and repopulate the good, resetting your body’s bacterial count and changing it for the better.

The strains in Floracil50 have all been extensively researched and proven to be beneficial for both gut and overall health. These strains include:

  • Lactobacillus reuteri: Lactobacillus reuteri helps to boost the immune system and is also often found in breast milk. It is effective for treating inflammation and the diseases and other issues it can cause.
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus: Lactobacillus rhamnosus is effective for treating gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea. It can also improve immunity and sexual health.
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus: Lactobacillus acidophilus can be used to build a stronger immune system, treat digestion and intestinal tract problems, and treat liver problems.
  • Lactobacillus casei: Lactobacillus casei can help increase testosterone levels, treat mouth problems like canker sores, minimize issues with diarrhea, and treat digestive issues.
  • Lactobacillus plantarum: Lactobacillus plantarum can maximize the number of compounds in the body that are used for regular bodily functions and boost immune functions. Like most other members of the lactobacillus family, it also promotes healthy digestion.
  • Bifidobacterium longum: Bifidobacterium longum lowers stress and anxiety levels, treats lactose intolerance, minimizes inflammation, and fights infection. It is also extremely effective at improving gut health like most other probiotic bacteria strains.
  • Bifidobacterium breve: Bifidobacterium breve is an energy booster. It can also help one minimize weight gain, reduce skin issues, and even manage allergies. Newborns are often given bifidobacterium breve in the hospital as a way to boost their immunities.
  • Bifidobacterium infantis: Bifidobacterium infantis promotes digestive health and can often be used to treat irritable bowel syndrome. 

As you can plainly see, each of these eight bacteria strains has their own scientifically backed and researched benefits that also work together to create better gut health and overall health.

The truth is that a daily probiotic supplement will improve your digestive health. But as a result, you will likely see improvements to your sleep patterns, your skin clarity, your moods and your overall life.

While you may be prepared for your digestive issues to begin disappearing, don’t be surprised if other problems start to fade away when you start taking Floracil50 too! This is even evidenced in the Floracil50 reviews. Let's take a look at a couple of the heavy hitting strains in Floracil50!

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Lactobacillus Acidophilus:

lactobacillus acidophilus

The human body alone has about 500 probiotic strains residing mostly in the gut. Some have been more extensively studied than others. Lactobacillus acidophilus is among the few strains with the scientific research to back it up, hence why you see this probiotic in most digestive support supplements. What exactly are some of the acidophilus benefits that have been uncovered by research?

What Is Lactobacillus Acidophilus?

The probiotic acidophilus is a member of the lactobacillus genus, which consists of similarly functioning strains, such as L. rhamnosus, L casei, L. reuteri and L. plantarum.

Acidophilus is one of the few strains with enough studies behind it to warrant an entire post dedicated to it alone. This strain is also found abundantly in probiotic-rich foods, such as yogurt, sauerkraut, and other fermented edibles. It is one of the first identified probiotics, having been first studied in the 1890s by Nobel Prize winner Llya Metchnikoff.

    The acidophilus probiotic can also be broken down further into sub-strains, which include gasseri, gallinarum, crispatus, and amylovarous, just to list a few. For the sake of simplicity, we will treat L. acidophilus as a single strain.

    Aside from the gut, the probiotic acidophilus also resides inside the mouth and in the vaginal wall in women. The hundreds of available research studies show this strain has beneficial properties in all of these areas, which we will explore.

    Acidophilus Improves Digestion

    Most probiotic strains aid in the complex digestive process; acidophilus is no exception. Once food passes the digestive system, the probiotics aid in the food breakdown. Usable nutrients pass through the intestinal walls, while waste passes out the body through urine and bowel movements. Very few probiotics are involved in this intricate process because most do not survive the journey through the gastrointestinal tract. Acidophilus is one of the few strains that can successfully bypass the highly acidic stomach bile and gastric juices.

    Studies consistently show acidophilus promotes gut health and also improves colon function. Research also reveals that acidophilus aids in the production of lactic acid. This lowers the body’s pH levels, making it slightly more acidic and uninhabitable for certain harmful pathogenic microbes.

    Acidophilus Combats High Cholesterol

    One of the touted benefits of acidophilus is its ability to lower LDL, or “bad” cholesterol. Research suggests this strain in particular may keep LDL cholesterol at a safe level, which in turn lowers risk of cardiovascular disease. Other studies, in fact, show that acidophilus and other strains in the lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium genus were beneficial for keeping heart disease at bay.

    Acidophilus Treats Vaginal Infections

    There is a reason that this probiotic is often one of the strains listed in a women’s probiotic supplement. Bacterial vaginosis occurs when bad anaerobic bacteria crowd the vaginal walls and overrun the beneficial bacteria. This causes itching, odors, irregular discharge, and burning during urination.

    Since acidophilus is one of the good bacteria that resides inside the vagina, it makes sense to introduce more of this probiotic through your diet. Studies show that acidophilus and other lactobacillus strains are as beneficial as an antimicrobial treatment and help prevent recurrences.

    Acidophilus Treats Diarrhea

    Another one of the acidophilus benefits is its ability to treat what is referred to as traveler’s diarrhea. An estimated 20 to 50 percent of travelers experience diarrhea at some point during their trip. The most common cause is exposure to foodborne bacteria. Travelers are especially vulnerable when visiting underdeveloped nations with poor sanitation practices.

    Studies confirm that acidophilus may hold validity as a treatment for acute diarrhea. With this in mind, it may be beneficial to keep a probiotic supplement in your luggage when journeying overseas.

    What About Acidophilus and Dental Health?

    Despite all of its benefits, some people have expressed concerns that this probiotic may also have a drawback. Some have suggested that too much acidophilus inside the mouth can lead to dental caries. This belief stems from the fact that the probiotic, as we mentioned, produces lactic acid. People reasoned that acidity can erode tooth enamel.

    First of all, lactic acid is far less acidic than other forms of acid, such as phosphoric acid and carbonic acid, which are found in carbonated beverages. There is no evidence to suggest that lactic acid’s acidity poses danger to your teeth. Of course, you still need to regularly wash away acids of any kind by brushing daily.

    In addition, recent research now suggests dental diseases may be more due to a microbiome imbalance in the mouth rather than the presence of a single culprit bacteria.

    Acidophilus Side Effects

    Does any one probiotic strain cause side effects when taken in excess? Reported side effects are relatively minor and mostly dissipate within a few days. Nevertheless, some sensitive users do notice adverse effects that we must point out.

    The acidophilus side effects — in the rare instances they occur — are as follows:

    • Diarrhea
    • Upset stomach
    • Intestinal gas or bloating
    • Hives (in severe cases)

    An allergic reaction to probiotics in general is rare but not completely unheard of. It is one of those unusual allergies. Fortunately, this also means it is atypical, and 99 percent of the population have nothing to fear.

    Acidophilus Dosage

    While the benefits of acidophilus are aplenty, we believe you can benefit even more from taking a multi-strain probiotic formula. Therefore, you should pay attention to the dosage as a whole. It’s hard to pinpoint a specific acidophilus dosage whether taking the probiotic alone or with other strains. Ultimately, it comes down to your reason for taking the probiotic in the first place.

    Researchers suggest a daily acidophilus dosage of one to 15 billion CFUs, if you are taking it for general digestive health. In any case, follow the dosage instructions on the supplement label, and you will be fine.

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    The Acidophilus Benefits Are a Vitality Contributor

    Being that acidophilus is one of the most widely studied probiotics, it makes sense to use a supplement that contains the strain. This is precisely what you will find in Floracil50, along with other well-documented probiotics in the lactobacillus reuteri. Repopulating your gut with probiotics helps restore digestive function to its peak “factory” setting.

    Lactobacillus Reuteri:

    lactobacillus reuteri

    Lactobacillus reuteri, or L. reuteri for short, is one of the more extensively studied probiotic strains with numerous health benefits.

    In layman’s terms, L. reuteri is a lactic acid strain that lives in the intestine, with smaller traces found in the stomach.

    Reuteri itself is categorized into smaller sub-strains. 

      The L. reuteri strain Primadophilus reuteri, for instance, is known for supporting healthy digestion and strong immune system.

      What Are the Benefits of L. Reuteri?

      Probiotics in general are known for digestive health, but what are some of the benefits specific to the L. reuteri strain? Various independent studies suggest this probiotic may hold a multitude of benefits for men and women.

      L. Reuteri Improves Sex Drive

        A 2014 study published in the PLoS One journal revealed a link between L. reuteri and testosterone. 

        Laboratory mice that ingested L. reuteri-fortified water exhibited higher levels of serum testosterone levels as well as an offset in gonadal aging.

        More testosterone means a higher sex drive in bed, along with improved body composition and motivation. 

        Furthermore, the probiotic is also known to increase the hormone oxytocin. 

        This has been colloquially known as the “feel good” or “love hormone” and has been shown to intensify orgasms. Those – especially men – who took oxytocin before intercourse reported greater pleasure in contentment after sex.

        L. Reuteri Stops Balding And Improves Hair Quality

          While the bald look can certainly be appealing, most people would prefer to have the choice to be bald rather than being forced by nature.

          Luckily, L. reuteri is known to reduce hair thinning, stimulate follicle development, and accelerate hair growth.

          Something women specifically might find appealing is that the probiotic increases hair acidic pH. This improves hair moisture retention and creates that silky hair look you often see in shampoo commercials.

          L. Reuteri Promotes Thyroid Health

            You may have heard stories of celebrity weight gain and some of them attributing the extra pounds to a chemical imbalance in the thyroid. 

            The thyroid is a section of the brain that regulates various bodily functions, including body weight and most importantly, metabolism. 

            Because thyroid controls how your cells produce energy, which underlies all areas of your health, thyroid dysfunction has been linked to other aspects of the body going haywire. This includes brain fog, fatigue, anxiety, high stress levels, and poor sleep.

            A 2014 study published in the Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy showed that mice given L. reuteri through their water exhibited healthier thyroid function. Consequently, the mice were also thinner compared to the control mice. 

            In this sense, the strain may indirectly promote weight loss. This leads us to the next benefit.

            L Reuteri Makes You Fit in Skinny Jeans

              No, supplementing with probiotics doesn’t mean you can get sloppy with your diet. 

              However, when combined with exercise and diet, probiotics may help you trim down. 

              In laboratory studies, mice given probiotics exhibited less weight gain even when fed a western diet. 

              Lower fat levels were also observed in the liver. Too much fat in the liver causes scarring in the organ and increases risk of diabetes.

              L. Reuteri Promotes a Cavity-Free Mouth

                While it is not a replacement for seeing a dentist, L. reuteri may partially combat cavities.

                There are not a whole lot of studies in this area, since most probiotic

                 research focuses on gut health, but there is one study that suggests some degree of correlation between oral health and certain probiotic strains. 

                Given all the other benefits of the L. reuteri strain, it makes sense that you might notice improvements in oral health as well.

                While many foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha have naturally occurring probiotics in them, these foods do not necessarily have the specific bacteria strains, like L. reuteri, that you really want. 

                Not to mention these foods can be a bit strange and uncommon, making them hard to include regularly.

                If you're want a probiotic that works look no further than Floracil50. We trust that are products are the best around, so we include a 60-day Money-Back Guarantee on all of our supplements. If you're not satisfied just email us and we'll refund the product no questions asked!
