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6 Uses For Bentonite Clay

By Tyler Woodward

6 Uses For Bentonite Clay


Bentonite clay is a type of absorbent clay that is formed from aged volcanic ash found all over the world. That said, today bentonite clay is predominantly harvested in the U.S., France and Italy.

This specific type of clay has a unique ability to absorb toxins in the body. As such, many have been using bentonite clay to detoxify the body. In fact, bentonite clay has been used for centuries as a detoxifying agent in ancient cultures.

Today, many people use it to improve skin tone and digestion, in addition to detoxifying the body. In turn, the body may be better able to fight disease and illness. Bentonite clay is now used as a wellness product and may be either applied to the skin topically or ingested.

Other Names For Bentonite Clay:

Bentonite clay is also known as "Montmorillonite clay" after the region of France of the same name where the clay was first discovered. It has also been dubbed "healing clay."

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Benefits Of Bentonite Clay:

Benefits Of Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay has a long track record of medicinal uses, and while there are few human clinical trials that have been done on this substance, the lab and animal studies that have been done reveal that bentonite clay shows some great promise. Here are some of the benefits that bentonite clay has to offer.

May Help Eliminate Harmful Toxins From the Body

Because bentonite clay is highly absorptive, it may be able to draw out many heavy metals and toxins from the body. More specifically, it may be able to attract positively-charged particles in the body because of its negative electric charge; this characteristic allows it to be known as a chelating substance. Many toxins — including heavy metals and free radicals — are positively charged, making the negatively-charged bentonite clay able to attract these particles and draw them out of the body.

One animal study found that pigs who ate bentonite clay for a few months experienced a reduction in the concentration of lead in their blood, bones, hair, brain, liver and kidneys. In another study, rabbits who were fed food with aflatoxins, which are carcinogenic toxins, showed an improvement in reproductive function after bentonite clay was introduced into their feed.

May Help Promote Better Digestion

Eliminating toxins and heavy metals from the gut can help promote better digestion, and that's exactly what bentonite clay may be able to do. Research has shown that bentonite clay can help extract toxins from the body.

In terms of improving digestion, bentonite clay can bind to certain toxins like aflatoxins, as mentioned earlier, which are common in the standard North American diet. An overabundance of aflatoxins can lead to liver damage and even the development of certain cancers.

In one animal study, researchers discovered that the molecules in bentonite clay are able to bind to bovine rotavirus and bovine coronavirus in cows, which are two significant viruses that can cause gastroenteritis.

Bentonite clay may also be effective at treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In one study, patients with IBS who took 3g of bentonite clay twice daily for eight weeks saw improvements in their digestion compared to those on the placebo group.

May Promote Better Skin

The skin can benefit from the use of bentonite clay. Rashes, allergic reactions and blemishes can all potentially be alleviated with the use of bentonite clay.

In one study, participants who applied a bentonite clay lotion showed a reduction in the severity of poison ivy, particularly when it was applied before coming into contact with poison ivy. The study's participants also showed improvements in chronic dermatitis when a solution containing bentonite clay was applied to the skin.

Bentonite clay may also be beneficial to those suffering from acne. One study conducted on people with mild acne showed that applying a mask containing bentonite clay twice a week (for six weeks) experienced a significant reduction in the number of lesions.

May Help Combat Bacterial Infections

Many bacterial infections have become resistant to antibiotics, such as MRSA, which is a type of staph. This particular bacteria can cause several issues, ranging in severity from skin infections to infections of the blood. However, bentonite clay may actually be effective at combating bacteria like MRSA and step in where conventional medicines are unable to be effective.

One study showed that certain bacteria — both resistant and nonresistant to antibiotics — could be killed off by exposing them to bentonite clay. In the study, it was shown that the clay's minerals may have antibacterial properties that might be effective at killing harmful bacterial infections like MRSA.

May Help With Thyroid Function

Some animal studies suggest that bentonite clay may help to absorb certain thyroid hormones that can help alleviate hyperthyroidism, showing that bentonite clay may be a viable alternative to help lower thyroid levels.

May Help Strengthen Immunity

A significant portion of the immune system lives inside of the gut microbiome. When the gut is unhealthy, immunity weakens. That's because toxins can more easily leach into the blood when the gut wall is compromised.

Bentonite clay may be effective at strengthening the gut wall. Some studies suggest that bentonite clay may not only fight off infections and viruses, but it may also work to keep the gut wall strong. By protecting the gut wall, the number of toxins, chemicals and bacteria entering the blood will be limited, thereby helping to strengthen the immune system and protect the body.

May Help Slow the Growth of Certain Cancers

Bentonite clay's ability to extract toxins from the body may play a role in slowing the growth of tumors in certain cancers. One study found that bentonite clay slowed the growth of cancer cell line U251, a type of cancer cell found in glioblastomas.

Another study found that bentonite clay was able to kill off Caco-2 cancer cells, which is a colorectal cancer line. The researchers found that the clay caused oxidative stress only on the cancer cells without harming healthy cell material.

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How To Use Bentonite Clay:

How to use

Bentonite clay can be used in a couple of different ways, including the following:


For the purpose of clearing and protecting the skin, bentonite clay can be applied as a topical cream. Mixing water with bentonite clay powder will create a paste that can be lathered on the skin to draw out impurities, clear the skin, alleviate any blemishes or rashes, and protect it from the elements.

The clay should be applied as a mask and left for a few minutes to dry. It can then be removed by using a wet washcloth.

You can also add a 1/4 of a cup of bentonite clay to a bath, and allow it to dissolve into the water.

To target specific spots, a concentrated amount of bentonite clay can be applied directly to the affected area and covered with gauze, then left on for a couple of hours before being rinsed off.


Small amounts of bentonite clay can also be consumed through capsules for the purpose of boosting immunity, fighting off infections, strengthening the gut wall, or simply cleansing the body of any toxins and heavy metals that may have built up over time.

The clay can also be gargled in the mouth with water for a few seconds to be used as a mouthwash. It may also be consumed by drinking 1/2 to 1 teaspoon once a day with water.

Bentonite clay may be used daily without any known side effects. If taken orally, the top end of the range is around 2 teaspoons split between two separate servings. It's generally not recommended to consume bentonite clay for longer than four weeks at a time.

Always follow the directions of the manufacturer, as well as the advice of your physician before using bentonite clay, particularly if using orally.

Supplementing With Bentonite Clay:

There aren't any known significant side effects of bentonite clay. That said, it's possible to get sick from consuming more than the manufacturer's directed dosage.

If using bentonite clay on the skin, it's recommended to first conduct a patch test before using it on the face or on a larger area of the body in order to rule out any potential allergic reaction or sensitivity (this is especially important if there are other ingredients in the mixture or if it is a new brand). 


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Bentonite clay is an extremely useful substance that has been used for thousands of years for its wide ranging effects on the body. If you are looking to experiment with this substance to see some of the benefits associated with its use such as improved digestion, improved skin health, etc. I recommend looking for a pure bentonite clay, or using it in a product you trust such as zuPOO.